Digital Labor Reference Library

The Digital Labor Reference Library is a work in progress, built by four CUNY Graduate Center sociologists at different stages in their dissertation research. As such, it represents a collaborative attempt to sketch out reading lists for an emerging terrain. Collected here are things we have read, are reading, and are in conversation about. It is by no means a complete list.

Our plan is to update the library as we conduct our research, write our dissertations, and generally explore what it means to be laboring digitally in contemporary capitalism. We will also be reviewing work on our blog. If you would like to suggest something be added to the library or for us to review, please leave us a comment on this page.

3 thoughts on “Digital Labor Reference Library

  1. […] that requires workers to appear as though they love their job. All of these terms are related to digital labor in the sense that they are immaterial, and, taken together, they convey the many challenges that […]

  2. Thank you for your comment. I thought the Morini texts were there, but happy to add these references. Thank you.

  3. Andrea Fumagalli says:

    I’d like to suggest for the library the following papers:

    Cristina Morini. The feminization of labour in cognitive capitalism, Feminist Review (2007) 87, 40–59.

    Vladimir Cvijanovic, Andrea Fumagalli, Carlo Vercellone (2010). Cognitive Capitalism and its Reflections in South-Eastern Europe. vol. 2, Frankfurt am Main:Peter Lang, ISBN: 9783631604618

    Andrea Fumagalli, Cristina Morini (2013), Cognitive Bio-capitalism, social reproduction and the precarity trap: why not basic income?, in Knowledge Cultures, 1 (4), 2013, pp. 106-126, ISSN 2327-5731

    Andrea Fumagalli, Cristina Morini (2011). Life put to work: towards a theory of life-value. EPHEMERA, vol. 10, p. 234-252, ISSN: 1473-2866

    Andrea Fumagalli (2011). Twenty Theses on Contemporary Capitalism (Cognitive Biocapitalism), ANGELAKI, vol. 16, p. 7-17, ISSN: 0969-725X


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