Author Archives: karen gregory

What Tender Possibilities: Two Meditations on the Oikos

By Anne Boyer

Part One

In Contract and Contagion, Angela Mitropoulos establishes the possibility of a politics of the oikos that accounts for more complexity than the Arendtian conception of the private or Marxian theories about reproductive and productive labor. In her account, oikopolitics involves self-management of the masculinized political subject through the management of the household and a performed contractual insurance against uncertainty. I began to think of the form she suggested as the mega-oikos, the oikoplex, or the oikostructure: a world household that enables the hyper-contractualism necessary to post-Fordist capitalism. Without the household, there would be no contracting subjects.  However relations between these fraternal subjects, like everything else in a world of crowds and contagion in which a Lucretian dissolution of the known order of things always threaten, are uncertain because of the uncertainty of the household itself: the contract then is a method to make of contingency necessity, to valorize risk. My response, which is in two parts, first looks closely at the Oikonomikos and what it might tell us about contracts, care, and the gendered division of labor.  The second part will address what looking through the lens of oikopolitics could mean for possible futures.

1. “Supposing he never had a flute of his own.”

It is probably important to return to the household of approximately 2376 years ago. As far as we can tell, it looked like this:

In the front of the household were the women’s rooms—the gynaikonitis.  Behind these were the common areas and the living quarters for the men—the andronitis. It was there one could find the libraries.  The men’s area, along with the household, was also wherever was outside of the household—that is, the free man’s area was the oikos and the polis and was the world.  The oikos was always at least a double space, and doubly perceived, just as what is outside of it was always a singular territory on which slaves and women trespassed. The singular nature of the outside was enforced by violence or the threat of it. The free men’s home was the women’s factory; also—for women and slaves—their factory was a home on its knees.benqt60_1296374451_6-6-9

We might also look into this household through Xenophon’s Oikonomikos, a foundational text of “household management” (economics).  As the architecture of the oikos was an architecture, among other things, about managing women: the Oikonomikos is also, among other things, is a lecture on lecturing to them. This is my reading of it.

The Oikonomikos is a Socratic dialogue, and in it, Socrates, having little wealth, has no claim to a practical knowledge of managing it.  When Critoboulus asks him “A science of economy exists; and that being so, what hinders you from being its professor?” Socrates replies that what hinders him is what hinders a man from playing the flute when he has no flute and no one has ever let him borrow one. This does not, however, actually stop Socrates the fluteless flute-player[1] from then becoming a professor of economics.

In order to do this, Socrates offers an account of an interaction with the “good and beautiful” Ischomachus, who offers an account of his own goodness and beauty as achieved, in part, through a successful lecture about household management to his wife. Ischomachus is lecturing his wife precisely because he himself cannot engage in household management.  As a man, he says, he would be punished by God for doing women’s work: this is why his wife must listen to his lecture, so she can do it, instead, as his proxy. In this, it appears that Ischomachus’ knowledge of household management is as speculative as that of the economy-less economics professor, Socrates.

We thus have a double level of flute-less flute-playing: Socrates, who must only speculate, lectures with the lecture of Ischomachus, who also must only speculate. Ischomachus’ wife, we are told, knows nothing, either, (she “had been most carefully brought up to see and hear as little as possible, and to ask the fewest questions”) but is “accustomed” to her husband’s hand. By this, Ischomachus makes clear, he means “tamed.”

It is either through this nested speculative lecture in speculative lecture or the careful listening of a tamed (and docile-y un-speculative) wife at the heart of the story, that economics—the dismal science— or in its guise a celebration of the gendered division of labor and male self-management, an even more dismal art—arrives.  Managing wealth is much the same as managing women: indeed, Ischomachus’ wife must manage the household and be the household at the same time.

Perhaps Ischomachus’ wife[2] could provide an economic analysis with some degree of expertise despite Ischomachus’ certainty that she had been disciplined out of all curiosity and perception. She is not, however, allowed to do much in this dialogue but agree and ask her husband-flattering questions. The very quality that enables her to run a household (being a woman) is that which prohibits her from speaking about it or outside of it.

Mitropoulos tells us that historically “Xenophon’s writings accrue importance at particular moments precisely because they blur (if not quite erase) the Aristotelian distinction between the egalitarian logic of politics and the hierarchical one of the oikos.” For me, Xenophon’s dialogue as a dialogue also takes on a particularly interesting character of Mitropoulos’ thinking about contracts. The contract, like the philosophical dialogue, is a “manly masquerade”—a performative exchange among male subjects.  And the philosophical dialogue, like the contract, seeks to tame uncertainty, “what amounts to an often-violent containment or framing of the speculative.”  As Mitropoulos notes, “contracts are part of the making of what they say” and “the contract is an artifice, involving fiction and not always fact. In this, the performativity of contract assumes the character of a violent aesthetic.”  The uncertainty to be tamed by the art[ifice] of this contract/and/or/dialogue of the Oikonomikos is women (or one woman, Ischomachus’ wife), and along with her, the household. The highly speculative Oikonomikos is, then, is a philosophical dialogue in the shape of a contract or contract in the shape of a dialogue, and in its framing of “economics” as founded in the gendered division of labor, it makes what it says.

God made of women an indoor body, Ischomachus tells his wife, and made of men an outdoor one.  And this scheme—what becomes, in future iterations, public and private, of production and reproduction, of waged work and unpaid servitude—is the order agreed upon in this dialogue to attend to the risk posed by those who make the oikos.  Like the queen-bee, Ischomachus tells his wife, she too, will have to stay inside.

Ischomachus’ wife can’t speak for herself in this dialogue just as she cannot negotiate and sign a contract. She is instead, as Ischomachus reminds her at the beginning of his instruction, introduced to the household the subject of a contract between her husband and her father[3]. What Ischomachus’ wife does engage in, according to Ischomachus’ description of what she must do in the household, is something a little like the contract, but also to the side of it. His wife provides care, which while having some elements of the contractual, can also be understood as paracontractual.

If the contract is the form of relation impossible in the hierarchal structure of the household; care is the form of relation that can take place between members of the household (women, slaves, children, animals, the infirm).  Care is the infrastructural relation that takes place beside the contract, among parties who can either be “equal” or not.  Remember, however—members of the household, like Ischomachus’ wife—also are the household.  So unlike contracts that take place between the “free and equal” engaging fraternal relation, care is the form of exchange that takes place, too, between the household and the household.  Care may be between human and human, but also human and object, human and animal, animal and animal or human, old and young, male and female, female and female, and so on.  It’s a relation that does not assume or require even a theatre of equality, but also in no sense either does it require a theatre of domination.

In this difference, the household (and all associated with it) in its relation to itself demonstrates a possible infrastructure for politics that lies beyond the contract.  If Ischomachus’ wife could speak she might tell us that though denied the power to contract, she has the more potentially destabilizing economic and political power to provide or deny care, that paracontractual relation on which the contract depends (I began to think here, if an analogy is useful, of the paracontractual relation or care like the “all the world” that is the stage; and those who perform contracts mere actors upon it.) Both Socrates and Ischomachus note, it is the wife (particularly one who is not properly tamed) who can bring disorder to the economy.  The dialogue suggests the household to be managed is a woman; the woman to be managed is a household— but also, the woman must be “managed” into managing, and in this is exposed the power she holds over reproduction and reproductive labor, and also that she, herself, is embodied risk. 

According to Mitropoulos, our age of oikopolitics, ushered in by Machiavelli, for whom “what men and states must avoid at all costs is resembling women,” depends on this balance of equality (between masculinized political subjects) and hierarchy (over the household).  As life under capital depends on contractual relations—notably labor contracted between free people— these contractual relations (Marx’s “very Eden of the innate rights of man”) rest on “the foundational gift of naturalized servitude, which is to say, the surplus labor that is always unpaid.”  That is, it is the unwaged labor—what the queen bee does with her “indoor body”—that allows the contractual relation of wage labor—what is done with “outdoor bodies”—to exist.

Oikopolitics is, for Mitropoulos, “the nexus of race, gender, class, sexuality, and nation constituted through the premise of the properly productive household.” That is, it provides an analytic that “moves beyond the epistemological reliance on either identity…or the flattening of differences” but considers the hierarchal difference imposed by genealogy on certain types of bodies and people and the relation of this to all else. “A politics of the household,” writes Mitropoulos, “turns on that most materialist of propositions: we are how we live. What forms of attachment, interdependency, and indebtedness are being implemented, funded, obliged or simply and violently enforced; and what tender possibilities are foreclosed?”


[1] As Robin James points out in her talk Philosophical Attunements: Flutes & Women in Plato’s Symposium, in the ancient world, flutes have a relationship to uncertainty, training, and women. The flute can’t be tuned, only trained. As James quotes: “in the case of flute-playing, the harmonies are found not by measurement but by the hit and miss of training, and quite generally music tries to find the measure by observing vibrating strings. So there is a lot of imprecision mixed up in it and very little reliability” (Philebus 56a).   James further concludes: “Women and other non-philosophers, like flutes, have a disproportionate relationship between their speech and their visible bodily structure. Philosophers, on the other hand, have a proportionate relationship between their speech and their visible bodily structure.”  If Socrates, and Ischomachus, are flute-less flute players, this suggests their fundamental alienation from the women (and the household) and their attempt to manage its relations.

[2] Ischomachus’ wife’s name, though it is never mentioned by Xenophon, is Chrysilla. Later, according to ancient rumor, she seduced her son-in-law, drove out her daughter, and had a son by her son-in-law, perhaps appropriately enacting her revenge on the order of the household in which she was trained.

[3] For more on the marriage contract as foundational, see Carole Pateman’s The Sexual Contract.

You can continue reading Part Two of What Tender Possibilities here:

Oikonomic ratio-nality: sound, sophrosyne, & the “excesses of affection”

By Robin James 

First, I want to thank Karen for organizing this symposium, all my fellow participants for their amazing work, and especially Angela for writing such an incisive, provocative, and important book. Second, I want to set up this post, which is basically a long set-up to one question or set of questions. I’m going to wind my way through some philosophy and some sound studies to then ask about gender/race/sexuality.

Contracts, according to Mitropoulos, “allocate uncertainty” (47). They naturalize it, obscure it, and make it productive. Uncertainty, fallibility, and “limited human knowledge” (44) are inevitable, so each type or theory of contracts attempts to domesticate these epistemological bugs and turn them into political-economic features. That transformation or translation is the work of what Mitropoulos calls oikonomics, which I’ll return to below. Contracts are epistemological just as much as they are social or political (or oikonomical). In this way, Mitropoulos’s text helps us understand why Charles Mills had to begin his argument in The Racial Contract with an extended discussion of the “epistemology of ignorance.” I don’t have time to develop this point here, but it would be interesting to use Contract & Contagion as a way to bring the last decade or so of feminist scholarship on epistemologies of ignorance back to bear on contract theory and political economy.

Mills argues that the racial contract is a “cognitive dysfunction that is socially functional (RC 18).” Mitropoulos suggests that what contract does, especially the classical contract, is provide an answer to this question: Which cognitive dysfunctions make society function in the way that is best for us? Or, how do we treat uncertainty (cognitive dysfunction, what is unknowable with accuracy) so that society can function in specific ways? (C&C 40-42). These “specific ways” are, of course, white supremacy, heteropatriarchy, and capitalism. Contract, in its various historically specific forms, organizes uncertainty to allow for the ongoing vitality and reproduction of white supremacist capitalists heteropatriarchy in its various historically-specific forms.

Contracts organize uncertainty not just rationally, but with ratios. As Mitropoulos explains: Contract is engaged in a constant rationalisation–or better: ratiocination, in the sense one may speak of ratio as calculation and of rationing as the apportionment–of its uncertain conditions (26). Contracts mobilize ratios to distribute uncertainty in ways that allow for the faithful, fidelious reproduction of white heteropatriarchal capitalism. How does this work? What kinds of ratios are used? How are ratios measured or balanced?


I want to spend the rest of my post focused on this issue of “ratio” because it gets straight to the heart of oikonomics, both as a historical concept and as a contemporary practice. The purpose of oikonomics is to measure and balances these ratios. But what is the nomos of the oikos? How is the oikos measured and balanced to best transmit and reproduce systems of privilege? The ratio-nality of oikonomics is harmonic. This is not just because the ancient Greeks understood musical harmony in terms of ratios (i.e., of geometric proportions such as 12:9:8:6, as in Pythagorean music theory), or because nomos is also a kind of ancient Greek song, but also because the ancient Greek concept of “intimate self-management” (C&C 22) or “self-command” (C&C 28)–i.e., sophrosyne–is premised on their theory of musical harmony. Plato, for example, often uses sophrosyne and “harmony” interchangeably, especially in the Republic.[1] Sophrosyne, generally translated as “moderation,” is the practice of bringing one’s mind and body in proper proportion (so that individual mind:body::intelligible:visible as expressed in, for example, Plato’s theory of the divided line).[2] A moderate man’s life appeared harmonious because it exhibited a “beautiful order and continence of certain pleasures and appetites, as they say, using the phrase ‘master of himself’” (Republic 430e; emphasis mine). A moderate “order” was “beautiful” because it was harmonious, proportionate, and followed the same “ratio” that ordered the Beautiful itself (aka the Good or the True).

Ancient Greek sophrosyne was also a practice of “self-mastery,” as Foucault puts it in The History of Sexuality volume 2.  As such, sophrosyne is the ancient Greek version of what Mitropoulous calls oikonomical “self-command.”[3] This self-command was the “law” or nomos–the harmony, the song, the measure–that the true and proper master of the oikos ought to embody, and which he ought to make his oikos likewise embody (see Plato’s Phaedo for the relationship on self-command to the command of others). Sophrosyne is what, in ancient Greece, joins the oikos to the nomos, as Mitropoulos discusses in her introduction to this series. Oikonomics, as a matter of sophrosyne in the ancient Greek sense, is a practice of maintaining a proportional life.

As a matter of what we might call neoliberal sophrosyne, oikonomics is still a matter of exercising harmonious self-command. However, just as notions of musical harmony have changed since Plato and Pythagoras’s times, so has the ratio of “self-command.” This ratio isn’t geometric, but algorithmic. Here, harmony isn’t a matter of proportions, but acoustics. The acoustic is algorithmic: contemporary acoustics use algorithms to describe sound waves, just as statistics stole a bunch of terms from acoustics to describe algorithms (e.g., “signal” and “noise”). “The laws of acoustics,” argues economist and music scholar Jacques Attali, are “displa[y] all of the characteristics of the technocracy managing the great machines of the repetitive [i.e., neoliberal] economy” (Noise 113). What acoustics and neoliberal technocracy share are algorithms, especially insofar as both are visualized as sine waves. (I’ve talked a bit about sine waves and neoliberal aesthetics here.)


Synthesizers, especially the analog synths that were common at the time Attali wrote Noise (1977), are, for Attali, the clearest example of the coincidence of algorithmic music and technocratic machinery: you put in one kind of algorithm (a computer program), and another one (a sound wave) comes out. He also claims that “the synthesizer” operates with the same “simulacrum of self-management” (Noise 114; emphasis mine) that is attributed to a nominally “free” deregulated market.[4] The synthesizer, with is algorithmic inputs and outputs, embodies neoliberal sophrosyne.

So how would algorithmic moderation and self-management work? What counts as algorithmic moderation? What ratio should an algorithmically self-managed practice embody? Algorithmic moderation measures the ratio of signal to noise in a tone, broadcast, or data set. This ratio is not a geometric proportion, but a statistical probability—the probability of finding noise in the signal. It is calculated and expressed as one’s position relative to an asymptote—i.e., a limit. At the level of individual self-management, the asymptote is, as are all asymptotes, “a threshold that cannot be crossed” (Foucault Birth of Biopolitics 136). This threshold is the point of diminishing returns beyond which any attempts at maximization cease to be profitable. As a practice of moderation, the asymptote manifests as the imperative to “somehow push them[selves] to their limit and full reality” (BoB 138) while “governing at the border between the too much and the too little, between the maximum and the minimum fixed for me” (BoB 19). It’s easy to visualize that maximum and minimum as the upper and lower asymptotes of a sine wave. Neoliberal sophrosyne is the practice of distorting oneself as much as possible–being as “loud,” as “gaga,” as manic-pixie-dreamy, as “ludacris” as possible–without upsetting the overall signal.

Sophrosyne translates algorithms to affect, mathematical propositions to kinesthetic and aesthetic properties. If human capital is “the unfolding of (capitalist) economic logic onto putatively non-market behaviours” (149), sophrosyne explains how market mechanisms can manifest in and across bodies as affects.

So how, then, does acoustic sophrosyne relate to oikonomics? Mitropoulos argues that “human capital theory is a theory of oikonomia” (149). Interpreted through my reading of oikonomia as (acoustic) sophrosyne, this means that building capital in oneself is a matter of behaving moderately–of maxing oneself out while minimizing the noise one feels. That is, you build capital in yourself by maintaining the proper signal: noise ratio for someone in your position. If you’re relatively privileged, this means that you maintain your signal:noise ratio by dumping any noise that would set you off balance on to someone(s) with less privilege. As Mitropoulos explains, “oikonomia legitimates the distribution of surplus labour, orders the excesses of affection, allocating its subjects and objects” (174, emphasis mine). I interpret “excesses of affection” as noise, or as ir-ratio-nal affect. These “excesses of affection” are ordered so that any diminishing returns are experienced primarily by women, non-whites, and queers. Privileged subjects get to go to excess, to push themselves beyond their own limits, because their push is fueled by the excess or surplus labor of, say, “women’s work.” Or, one can go to “ludicrous speed” and still emit/receive a rational signal if and only if white cisheteromasculinity filters out the excess noise and sends it back to women, non-whites, trans* people, queers, and so on. In other words, the oikos, in its “genealogical” (in Mitropoulos’s sense) work, sets and maintains the signal:noise ratio (the nomos) proper to each kind of subject or subject-position or population segment. The oikos is the producer behind the glass setting all the levels, pushing the sliders, and twisting the knobs on the big mixing board that is biopolitical capitalism. Or, from another perspective, the oikos is the background against which some kinds of distortion and noise sound good, and others sound bad.

So after that set-up, some questions:

  • I’ve been pretty abstract and schematic thus far. How might we make this analysis more concrete? In particular, I would like to think about how my concept of sophrosyne as signal:noise ratio relates to the oikonomic management of affective labor. I mean, in a certain sense this is what C&C is all about… but I would like to make these connections more explicitly.
  • How does oikonoimics position some kinds of labor/laborers/”bare life” as impossible to moderate? In ancient Greece, women’s bodies and slaves bodies were thought to be too disproportionate to ever produce properly moderate ideas and/or speech. (This is why, as Anne discusses/will discuss in her post, ancient Greek household management (aka oiko-management) means tuning the women to follow the sounds of men’s speech.) What’s the acoustic/neoliberal equivalent? Is there one? (How) Do patriarchy and the legacy of slavery (e.g., the Prison Industrial Complex) produce populations as inherently noisy, unbalanced, etc.? How does big data work algorithmically to produce specific populations as immoderate?
  • Mitropoulos argues that oikoniomics is about genealogical transmission. Might we think of contemporary, algorithmic/acoustic oikonomics as transmitting property, wealth, and privilege in the manner that broadcast signals or electrical signals are transmitted?
  • How does the issue of noise relate back to the opening idea of uncertainty? Where does “contract” come back in to signal:noise ratios and moderate practice?
  • This is a question about philosophical aesthetics, but it relates back to the role of contract in apportioning uncertainty, on the one hand, and affect, on the other. The phrase “as if” recurs throughout Contract & Contagion. For example, Mitropoulos cites Keynes, who claims “we are compelled to behave ‘as if we had behind us a good benthamite calculation’ because we are compelled to act as ‘practical men’” (43). Or, later, she says: “It is not, then, authentic human sociability that is valorised in affective labour, but the apparently genuine circulation of affect as if it is not work” (174; all underlined emphasis mine). What is the role of the “as if” in (a) contract and (b) Contract & Contagion? How is this “as if” related to the “as if” in Kantian aesthetics?
    • Let me briefly explain Kant’s “as if.” In Kant’s analysis of fine art and genius in the third critique, he argues that art needs to follow rules to make sense and be meaningful, but, fine art must be free (and not mechanical). In a work of fine art, “the purposive [rational, rule-abiding] in its form must seem as free from all constraint of chosen rules as if it were a product of mere nature” (Critique of Judgment section 45.1; emphasis mine). There’s that “as if”–what does it mean? It means that we have to treat the rule-governed, premeditated elements of artworks like they are not the product of an artist’s labor, but a spontaneous manifestation of non-cognized “nature”.[5] The “as-if” is what, in Kant, lets artworks (and artists, and spectators) appear “free” in relation to labor. Kant writes: “fine art must be free art in a double sense: it must be free in the sense of not being a mercenary occupation and hence a kind of labor, whose magnitude can be judged, exacted, or paid for according to a determinate standard; but fine art must also be free in the sense that, though the mind is occupying itself, yet it feels satisfied and aroused (independently of any pay) without looking to some other purpose” (52.5) I think it’s important to ask about the relationship between the “as if” in Kant and the “as if” in Contract & Contagion for several reasons:
      •  Kant’s ethics and aesthetics are an explicit alternative to social contract theory’s answer to the question: “so now that everyone is free and self-managing, how do we exist together in society?” Social contract theory says we consent to give up some of our self-management in return for some security in ourselves and our property. Kant, however, turns to the categorical imperative and the judgment of taste–i.e., to the ideal of subjective universality, or the idea that every single individual would/ought to freely choose the same thing. If in the 18th century Kant’s ethics and aesthetics were an alternative to social contract theory’s framing of the issue of self-management, is it perhaps one of the things that gets “subsumed” by neoliberal capital and contracts? Or, if Kant uses affect and aesthetics as an alternative to classically liberal contracts, is the prevalence of the “as if” in C&C evidence of the “real subsumption” of this Kantian understanding of the aesthetic in neoliberal oikonomia?
      • In Kant, women weren’t capable of the “as-if”: they could neither act nor appear “free” in relation to labor. For example, women could not produce beautiful works or themselves be beautiful in character–they could only be/make charming things. How does Mitropoulos’s concept of oikonomia help us see how the gendered, racialized “as if” works similarly in our understanding of affective labor and its relation to “free” markets and “free” subjects?

[1] Republic 410c, he states that “guardians,” or the masters of the city, “…should possess both natures,” mind and body, that these natures must “be harmoniously adjusted to one another…And the soul of the man thus attuned is moderate” (emphasis mine).

[2] “his whole soul [is] brought to its best by acquiring moderation and justice accompanied by prudence…in proportion as soul is more honorable than body” (Republic 591b).

[3] In fact, even Foucault emphasizes that sophrosyne is a matter of proportion: “it was this prior condition of ‘ethical virility’ that provided one with the right sense of proportion for the exercise of ‘sexual virility,’ according to a model of ‘social virility’” (Foucault HSv2 83).

[4] “The place of an individual in the modern economy is no different from that of [Philip] Glass’s interpreter: whatever he does, he is no more than an aleatory element in a statistical law. Even if in appearance everything is a possibility for him, on the average his behavior obeys specifiable, abstract, ineluctable functional laws” (Noise 114-5).

[5] “A product of art appears like nature if, though we find it to agree quite punctiliously with the rules that have to be followed for the product to become what it is intended to be, it does not do so painstakingly. In other words, the academic form must not show; there must be no hint that the rule was hovering before the artist’s eyes and putting fetters on his mental powers” (Kant CoJ section 45.2). “Hence fine art cannot itself devise the rule by which it is to bring about its product. Since, however, a product can never be called art unless it is preceded by a rule, it must be nature in the subject (and through the attunement of his powers that gives the rule to art; in other words, fine art is possible only as the product of genius” (45.3). Fine art gets its rules indirectly, non-consciously, from the ‘natural’ attunement of material/nature of the genius.

Robin James is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Women’s and Gender Studies at UNCC. She is also a sound artist and regular contributor to Cyborgology. She can be found on Twitter @doctaj. 

Introduction Continued…

Today we continue with an introduction to Contract & Contagion. Here, Angela turns to the questions of theory and  methodology that inform her work. For sociologists reading, I think you will find her range of theory and critical engagement with systems theory to be of much interest.

Enjoy. And, see you in the comments.

Part two:

The second question—and it follows from whether and indeed how experimental fields of knowledge are opened—is one of theory and methodology, or how Contract & Contagion came to pose the above discussion in the ways that it eventually did. This being the analysis of long-range capitalist dynamics traced through the key concepts of ‘contract’ and ‘contagion,’ and an argument that at stake in these dynamics is not biopolitics (neither the politicisation of life or the (re)vitalism of politics) but oikonomia.

I understand those dynamics as the proliferation of limits and the restoration of foundations of a system that has no necessity other than these intrinsic dynamics. I am not interested in a transhistorical dialectical schema any more than I am in the transcendental theologies of monism —as it happens, both are expressions of the preoccupations of Rationalist philosophers with the mind-body dualism. Something to analyse but not presuppose.

The three obvious theoretical touchstones in C&C are critical race and postcolonial theory, queer and feminist theory and those strands of marxism that range outside both Second International objectvism and Third International subjectivism (not least a class compositional analysis, but I am critical of the mechanical variants of such). Theoretically, C&C is an attempt to push beyond what I see as the various limits in each of these, not least because while it is possible to read these as the respective categories/objects of race, nation, class, gender and sexuality, their distinction as such is based on a false premise. The question ‘How is it possible to put gender, class, sexuality, race and nation together?’ assumes a once-upon-a-time when there was an identity that has since fragmented. I have never experienced these as distinct categories, though I can read them everywhere treated as such. The delineation of discrete sets is explicable in terms of the history of contracts as I note in the remarks on intersectionality, can be discerned in the history of geometry, and can be traced as the history of the boundaries between disciplinary practices and epistemes.

The methodological approach of C&C is influenced by Fernand Braudel’s historiography of the longue durée, Gaston Bachelard’s history and philosophy of science, and by Talcott Parsons’ systems-theoretic approach. All of these are modified in particular ways. I disagree with some more than others, but they nevertheless all contribute something which I think is methodologically important to critical theory, and perhaps even crucial when thinking about radical theoretical practices in the present context.

Long-range historical approaches are important if we are not simply to reiterate dogma and desire. Clearly, the more normative those desires are, the less likely it is that anyone is required to give evidence of them. These are the easy presumptions of a generic reader and neutral writer, one who was apparently born knowing all words, concepts, knowledge. There is no such thing. When claims are made about the ‘decline of the family’ for instance, it is necessary to ask to what extent this is true or whether it articulates a nostalgic desire for something deemed to have been lost. The same holds for any analysis of the shift between Fordism and post-Fordism, of the patently false claims inherent to the very word ‘globalisation,’ understandings of causal and temporal orders, etc. It is a methodology used against a nostalgic, mythic recourse to history, such as the primitivism of Polanyi; and it similarly turned against presumptions of forward progress or linear development. It begins from the premise that all concepts must be historicized and specified, that impermanence is the only unchanging condition of life. This is Lucretius’ influence, which I would say is also the non-Hegelian dimension of Marx’s writings.

While the structural-functionalist approach of Talcott Parsons is a claustrophobic expression of Cold War politics, systems-theory is an excellent lesson in the ways epistemic systems are constructed and, read critically, in how to take them apart. It is also an illustration of how systems of knowledge can be ‘wrong’ but, inasmuch as they are enacted in practices, they attain a material force. Unlike Parsons, I do not think any system is hermetically-sealed. Though it is important to discern the ways in which it is not, even if this is not a question of recognizing a subject. That is, my object is not social movements—I do not think it is the role of critical theory to survey the least powerful nor to prefigure subjects that remain bound to a strictly political understanding of social change. I am more interested in critical theory for movements in the sense that it can point to the limits to movements while—at the same time—tracing the ways in which those limits, the ways in which systems are reorganized, are a response to the challenge movements.

This is why and how C&C tracks the emergence of probabilistic science, adaptive, complex- systems theories, the modeling techniques of fractals, affect and service work, changing technologies of border controls, algorithms, the jurisprudential passage from intention to performance in contract law, human capital theories, and so on. I read all of these as epistemic shifts that it is possible to trace according to the concepts of contract and contagion. Because both of these concepts turn on questions of generation, and specifically, the futurity or entelechy of a system: how capitalism changes while still staying the same.

In other words, long-range history and systems theory are situated within a larger methodological set of questions given by Bachelard’s philosophy and history of science. It was Mary Tiles’ Bachelard: Science and Objectivity that, a very long time ago, gave me access to an entire series of debates among those who wrote in the wake of Bachelard’s insights (Canguilhem, Lacan, Gullaimin, Foucault, Althusser, Deleuze and Guattari, etc) outside the dubious packaging of ‘Continental Philosophy’ for an anglophone readership.

But the important point to underline here is Bachelard’s understanding of what a concept is and does. I understand that people get either annoyed or delighted at what they see as the tendency in C&C, or much of my writing, to skip between idioms. But to be clear: for Bachelard, concepts link domains. And, rather than understand history as continuous, for Bachelard crucial significance is situated in the discontinuities as much as it is important to trace continuities. In this, concepts are not nice shiny words or phrases, that can be juxtaposed or serve only as metaphors. They diffuse precise ‘problems’ of knowledge throughout a system. They are the conveyances of epistemes, including epistemic objects, and they involve modes of inference and verification, temporal schema of event, duration and scope. They inform the practices and rules of intellectual work, whether or not that work is credentialed, informalized or vernacular.

Deleuze will grumble that concepts can be folded. This is of course true, to an extent, and certainly seductive. But in a context where research and intellectual work increasingly takes place in cross-disciplinary platforms that involve a large component of funding from, say, mining industries or pharmaceutical companies, or where memes become diffused in digital work and in the medium of the internets, or even given the use of Deleuze and Guattari’s concept of de- territorialization by the Israeli Defense Force, it seems to me that it is crucial to understand the ways in which concepts continue to link domains and disciplinary practices. Deleuze’s understanding of the fold emerges in a reading of Leibniz’s philosophy, which was also a theology, a mathematics, a geometry and a philosophy. Given all of this, and given the drive to adopt and appropriate the seemingly novel idea, it is important to make these concepts that link domains into vectors of another kind of politics, one informed by a critical theory of systems (and not just systems theory) and a sense of the precise conditions of that systems’ future projection. That is, to not simply be technicians of methods but understand the methodology we work with and are often called to labour for; not only bearers of memes or epistemic objects, but to ascertain (and transform) the epistemological rules or ‘logics’ of methods as we work with and against them. When Marx wrote of the ‘general intellect’ in the Grundrisse, he was talking about the subsumption of knowledge and science by capital. The ‘general intellect’ provides a pool of knowledge and labour through which capital extracts innovation, surplus labour and value. Specifying the conditions of capitalist futurity in this context means elaborating the ways in which concepts link domains and our practices, often ‘behind our backs,’ and seeking ways to make those links otherwise. That is the connection between methodology, theory and concepts in C&C.

An Introduction to Contract & Contagion

Welcome to the Contract and Contagion forum. Angela was kind enough write up introductory comments to the book and today and tomorrow we will be posting those comments– Part One today, Part Two (on method) tomorrow. I think these introductory comments will help us to frame some of the week’s discussion and, if you haven’t read Contract and Contagion, I hope they inspire you to pick up the book (and join in to our discussion.)



I thought that it might be helpful to unpack Contract & Contagion for this forum by way of two broad questions. They are of course connected. But it is not necessary to draw all the connections here all at once so as to discuss particular aspects.

Part one:

The first is: What would a critical or radical politics around contracts involve? And what is it that a critical theory of contracts would have to bring to this, such that it contributes not to the restoration of the limits (including those racialised, gendered, classed and national limits that obtain in the contractual itself) but to what I would call the long historical game of the contractual? Inasmuch as contracts, whether tacit or explicit, are future-oriented machines for allocating risk, what are the principles through which a tactical engagement with contracts could involve deliberately setting about to shift the distribution of risks, uncertainty, precariousness? This, then, is not a detached analysis of contracts but one that begins from questions about power, the impositions of scarcity and distributions of abundance, and—not least—a theoretical proposition that while identity, forms of attachment and relation are immersed in histories, contracts are a crucial terrain of conflict because they involve the conditions of relation in the future.

I do not really understand so-called critical definitions of liberalism as an ideological or political choice that exists outside the force of law and money, both politics and economics. Contracts, rights and so on are not a matter of choice. Money is not a matter of choice. It too is a contract. To suggest otherwise is to imply that the material conditions of making a choice (whether to enter into contracts or not) are present, in place for everyone in the same ways. In any event, even the most materialist expression of liberal political philosophy (such as that of Machiavelli) will always posit that choices are decisions made under uncertain circumstances. So, the question remains: what or who is ‘sacrificed’ in the process of the foundation (and refoundation) of contracts, whether they be wage or social contracts, or those of debt and so on? (It might be noted that the Lucretian riposte to Machiavelli’s insistence on the fatal necessity—and I would say, his enjoyment—of a recurrent sacrificial, economic and indeed gendered violence that re- founds the political contract is discussed in the preamble.)

Moreover, in these questions of the distribution of risk and uncertainty, contingency and necessity, the question of contagion almost invariably plays out as questions of ‘moral hazard,’ ‘financial contagion,’ and so on. There are versions of contagion that are not so distinctly linked to the simultaneously legal, moral and economic language of contracts. But they are often in play as moral panics about epidemics, loose ties, wayward or excessive circulation—as some version of attempts to reinstate the ‘natural’ genealogical orders of the transmission of property and properties. Genealogy is always inscribed in the language of contracts—as is particularly apparent in the passage of common law across frontier spaces.

In any event, what I mean by the long historical game of the contractual involves making a very clear distinction between the conservative critique of capitalism (and for that matter, of the transactional, as in conservative panics about sex work as the ‘commodification’ of sex, or as with the veneration of the ‘gift economy’) and the ways in which it is possible to understand anti- capitalism as the politics and economics (the infrastructure) of the centuries-long struggle to abolish slavery. It is a view of the history of capitalism that takes its cue not from a labour movement premised on the wage contract as system of commensurability and representation (as in the ‘fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work’) but from questions about the interior and exterior boundaries of the wage contract itself. In other words: surplus value. The historical persistence of slavery in wage slavery and servitude. This emphasizes, among other things, the ways in which Marx understood the specificity of capitalism—the very existence of capital both in its abstraction and as a social dynamic—as the necessary foundation of Aristotelian logic (syllogistic reasoning) on the naturalization of slavery.

But I pursue this insight into the taxonomic machinery of value to go beyond Marx’s own attachments to a metaphysical definition of labour. His definition and analysis of labour rarely moves beyond the boundaries of the wage contract. So, rather than speak of labour in mythical, Platonic or substantialist terms, as “form-giving fire” or god-like creation, I think it is important to talk about contracts (and contagion) instead, and from the perspective of, ‘below-the-line’ labour and surplus value. Ultimately this is a question about the abolition of labour (and capital) that is not premised on the mystification of either labour or capital.

This is why it was important to underscore how the operaisti concept of the ‘social wage’ is in fact the emergence of the accounting system of the Fordist ‘family wage’; how the New Household Economics of the Chicago School Economists is a linked question about human capital, service work and unpaid domestic labour; and to make the connections between concepts of ‘the common,’ English jurisprudence and the joint-stock company. The same goes for questions about labour and measure—at the centre of this is a question about the expansion and limits of the contractual, that links together issues of service work, automation, interaction and affect. This is also, ultimately, why I wanted to insist that the law of value is the law of the household, of the combination of oikos and nomos. Oikonomia as the foundational condition of capitalism and the abstract circuits of capital.

In practical terms, then, a critical politics around contracts involves a critique of the ways in which contracts generate identities as if they are its pre-existing (authentic) premises, and it insists on an irreconcilable divergence from strategies around the contractual that seek to reinstate (or re-naturalise) the distribution of risks and uncertainty according the genealogical— ie., oikonomic—lines of gender, race, sex, nation and class. It is never a question of inclusion or exclusion, since both occur at the same time. This is as true of ‘negotiations’ around wage contracts as it is of broader conflicts around, say, the ‘social contract.’ It is however also a question about how the unavoidable and therefore cramped, tactical engagement with the world of contracts might not foreclose, and instead encourage, the development of a relationality—a politics and economics of the in-between—that can break with the limits of the contractual. Not reform or revolution, in other words, but here and now considerations of a post-welfare state, post-wage contract, post-citizenship infrastructure. For all the whining from some quarters about the absence of demands, ‘unity’ or ‘organization’ in the previous decades of protests and in the movements, the very materiality of movements has opened up the experimental field of precisely these questions.

Special Forum | Contract & Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia

This coming week, the Digital Labor Working Group will host what promises to be a fantastic (and timely) conversation on Angela Mitropoulos’ work Contract and Contagion: From Biopolitics to Oikonomia. For those of us interested in post-Fordist labor arrangements, Contract and Contagion offers a rich nexus of literatures (and connections between those literatures) to think through, particularly as we consider the naturalization of domestic labor contra “productive” or waged labor. The desire to host this forum comes from an interest in offering new terrains for thought and expanded vocabularies to an ongoing and emerging conversation that we see happening online among feminists, scholars, activists, labor journalists, and students, particularly around the use of the Wages for Housework campaign, the nature of affective labor and emotional labor, the long histories of racism and oppressive subjectification at play in history of such labor, and reconsiderations of the “feminization” of labor in light of the digital. Contract and Contagion is particularly helpful as we come to see ourselves as new laboring subjects/entities in a shifting political economy and reformulating ontology of labor and value—an ontology that the digital and its attendant surveillance/”big data”/ police state now plays no small part in.

Our forum will be a bit informal, developing as a series of posts by a number of participants over the week. We hope to foster a conversation and we hope you can join us–  in the comment section of our blog, on your own blog, or on Twitter.  Many thanks to our forum participants for their time and energy. We hope the forum is a useful conversation for many.  Our first post will be Sunday, March 2nd.

If you are interested in reading Contract and Contagion, the book can be downloaded from Minor Compositions here:

Participants include:

Aren Aizura, Assistant Professor in Women and Gender Studies at Arizona State University. He researches how queer and transgender bodies shape and are shaped by technologies of race, gender, transnationality, medicalization and political economy. Aizura is the editor of the Transgender Studies Reader 2 (Routledge 2013) and is working on a book entitled Mobile Subjects: transnational imaginaries of gender reassignment (under contract with Duke UP). His work has appeared in Medical Anthropology, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, and Asian Studies Review, as well as the books Queer Bangkok, Transgender Migrations, and Trans Feminist Perspectives. He earned a PhD in Cultural Studies from the University of Melbourne in 2009.

Anne Boyer, Assistant Professor of the Liberal Arts, Kansas City Art Institute. Boyer is a poet whose works include Anne Boyer’s Good Apocalypse, Art is War, The 2000s, Selected Dreams with a Note on Phrenology, The Romance of Happy Workers, and My Common Heart.  She teaches in critical theory, gender studies, literature, technology, and experimental writing.  Lately she has been doing work on reproductive labor and the intellectual history of the left, particularly 19th century revolutionary and materialist feminisms.

Tom Buechele, PhD candidate in Sociology and Research Fellow at the Center for the Study of Culture, Technology and Work  at the CUNY Grad Center (, and Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at CUNY John Jay and Hunter College. He is also on the editorial board of Situations: Project of the Radical Imagination. His research deals with how notions of subjectivities shift, transform, and modulate through technological forms.  Of particular interest to this project is the blurring of the distinctions between work and “life”, as the affects of “motivation”, “energy”, and “endurance”, as well the means of communication itself, are commodified through industries such as “life coaching” and through the digital machinery which present these affects in the form of apps.  Needless to say, the very conceptions of commodity, labor, and affect requires reexamination given the ever shifting nature of the technological apparatus and the increasing ”aestheticization” of everyday life through digital technology.

Patricia Ticineto Clough, professor of Sociology and Women’s Studies at the Graduate Center and Queens College of the City University of New York. She also is a psychoanalytic candidate at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy. Clough is author of Autoaffection: Unconscious Thought in the Age of Teletechnology (2000); Feminist Thought: Desire, Power and Academic Discourse (1994)and The End(s)of Ethnography: From Realism to Social Criticism (1998). She is editor of The Affective Turn: Theorizing the Social (2007), with Craig Willse, editor of Beyond Biopolitics: Essays on the Governance of Life and Death (2011) and with Alan Frank and Steven Seidman, editor of Intimacies, A New World of Relational Life (2013). Clough’s work has drawn on theoretical traditions concerned with technology, affect, unconscious processes, timespace and political economy. More recently she has been creating performance pieces bringing together sound and images with theoretical and autobiographical discourses that also draw on ethnographic work in Corona Queens. Her forthcoming book is The End(s)of Measure.

Mark Gawne, who is finishing a PhD at the University of Sydney, which develops a critique of the political impasse produced in the ontological turn of recent post-operaista theory, specifically through a critique of the particular postworkerist entwining of labour, affect and value. I have also been a casual tutor at the University of Sydney in recent years, and have been involved with the Casual’s Network and the University Worker and Student Assembly.

Karen Gregory, Lecturer at City College’s Center for Worker Education and a doctoral candidate in sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Her dissertation, entitled “Enchanted Entrepreneurs: The Labor of Psychics in New York City”, is an ethnographic account of the labor of alternative practitioners and is drawn from two years of work at an esoteric school in the city. Her dissertation explores the intersection of contemporary spirituality, entrepreneurial cultures, and digital labor. Most recently, she helped found the CUNY Graduate Center’s Digital Labor Working Group. She is the co-author, with Patricia Clough, Benjamin Haber, and Josh Scannell, of “The Datalogical Turn”, which will appear in the forthcoming Nonrepresentational Methodologies: Re-Envisioning Research (Taylor & Francis). Her writing has been published in Women’s Studies Quarterly, Women and Performance, Visual Studies, as well as in The New Inquiry and The State.

Robin James, Associate Professor of Philosophy at UNC Charlotte, and faculty affiliate of the UC Santa Cruz Digital And New Media program. She is also a contributor to Cyborgology. Her theoretical work addresses the interaction between music, sound, and systems of political organization (like gender or race). She is currently working on two manuscripts. The first one, under contract with Zer0 Books, is about pop music, feminism, and neoliberalism. The other manuscript is about the role of sound in neoliberal epistemology and aesthetics. Her work in digital sound art creatively examines the issues in feminist/queer/critical race/disability studies, continental philosophy, and music studies that she explores in her theoretical writing.  Robin has published articles in The New Inquiry, Hypatia, Contemporary Aesthetics, and The Journal of Popular Music Studies, and a book titled The Conjectural Body: Gender, Race, and the Philosophy of Music. For info about her current projects, and links to un-paywalled copies of her published research, visit her blog,

Andrew McKinney, Doctoral Candidate in Sociology and Digital Fellow at the City University of New York Graduate Center and a Community Facilitator at the City Tech OpenLab.  His research is primarily concerned with the collapse of the differences between several classic binary pairings in the contemporary American economy (labor and play, work and leisure, production and consumption, for example) and the role technology has played in this process. His dissertation studies the role  that fan labor, specifically that of American sports fans, plays in the political economy of the Internet.

Angela Mitropoulos, Researcher Fellow at the University of Sydney and political theorist whose corpus spans the registers of radical movements and sustained philosophical enquiry. Her writing has appeared in numerous journals, including Social TextSouth Atlantic QuarterlyMuteCultural Studies ReviewBorderlands, and ephemera; and it has been widely translated, disseminated and taught in both academic and activist contexts.

Kara Van Cleaf, PhD candidate in Sociology at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Her academic interests include feminist and social theory, cultural studies of technology, digital labor, and the affective economies of motherhood. Her research on mommy blogs explores how, through both digital and affective labor, mommy bloggers bring the experience of motherhood into public and economic circulation as they refine and disperse data, fantasy, and affect. Mommy blogs provide a register of both the labor of motherhood and the labor of digital participation, blurring the line between production and consumption, labor and leisure, public and private, and nature and machine. Her research considers the political implications of this digital mother-machine attachment. She currently works as an Instructional Technology Fellow at Macaulay Honors College, CUNY and is an adjunct professor at The Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY.

Constantina Zavitsanos, an artist whose practice engages the sculptural surfaces and temporalities of performance, text, projection and sound. She works with concepts of intimacy, consent, and contraction—especially as related to debt and dependency. Zavitsanos attended the Whitney Museum Independent Study Program, and has shared work at Slought Foundation in Philadelphia, with Cage at MoMA PS1, and at the Hessel Museum at Bard College. She lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.



Care Work, Affective Labor, and Affect

It was a pleasure to speak with Trebor Scholz’s “Digital Labor” class at the New School about care work, affective labor, and affect itself. We had a very lively and interesting conversation around the question of “who or what ‘takes care’ of you?” and the role of the digital as an agent of potential (complicated) care. I’m looking forward to seeing these students’ project emerge over the semester. It’s a great class.

Slides from the talk are here: 

[slideshare id=31624658&doc=newschool-140225094130-phpapp01]



Call for Proposals

To be held at The New School, a university in New York City
NOVEMBER 14-16, 2014

The third in The New School’s Politics of Digital Culture Conference Series
Sponsored by The New School and The Institute for Distributed Creativity

labor organizers, theorists, social entrepreneurs, historians, legal scholars,
independent researchers, cultural producers — and perspectives from workers themselves
– to discuss emerging forms of mutual aid and solidarity.

Over the past decade, advancements in software development, digitization,
an increase in computer processing power, faster and cheaper bandwidth and
storage, and the introduction of a wide range of inexpensive,
wireless-enabled computing devices and mobile phones, set the global stage
for emerging forms of labor that help corporations to drive down labor
costs and ward off the falling rate of profits.

Companies like CrowdFlower, oDesk, or’s Mechanical Turk serve as
much more than payment processors or interface providers; they shape the
nature of the tasks that are performed. Work is organized against the
worker. Recent books included The Internet as Playground and Factory
(Scholz, 2013), Living Labor (Hoegsberg and Fisher) based on the exhibition
Arbeitstid that took place in Oslo in 2013 and Cognitive Capitalism,
Education, and Digital Labour (Peters, Bulut, et al, eds., Peter Lang,
2011). In 2012, the exhibition The Workers was curated by MASS MOCA in the
United States. Christian Fuchs’ book Digital Labor and Karl Marx is
forthcoming with Routledge.

Several events have been organized in the last few years to focus on these
developments: Digital Labor: the Internet as Playground and Factory
conference (The New School, New York City, 2009,
Digital Labor: Workers, Authors, Citizens (Western University, London,
Ontario, Canada, 2009), Invisible Labor Colloquium (Washington University
Law School, 2013), Towards Critical Theories of Social Media (Uppsala
University, Sweden, 2012), Re:publica (Berlin, 2013), and the Chronicles of
Work lecture series at Schloß Solitude (Stuttgart, Germany, 2012/2013).

We would like to continue and elaborate on these discussions by raising the
following questions:

Who and where are the workers and how do they understand their situation?
How and where do they act in political terms?

How can we analyze digital labor as a global phenomenon, pertaining to
issues like underdevelopment and supply chains?

Which theories and concepts can help us to frame our thinking about the
gridlock of digital work?

How do waste, repair, and disposal play into the debate about labor?

Are there artistic works that respond to contemporary labor?

How do gender, race, ability, and class play out in the diverse fields of
digital labor?

How are laboring capacities, also in the digital realm, sustained and
maintained by maternal labor, or the labor of care workers, domestic

Alternatively, how do we conceptualize digital work that is underwaged and
often coded as feminized?

What are the postcolonial tensions arising between digital workers in
different locales?

How relevant are unions to the millions of crowdsourced workers?

How can we resist the all-too-common “the labor movement is dead” narrative?

Which concrete projects might offer us a critical foundation upon which to
build broader strategies for “digital solidarity”?

What can be learned from the history of organized labor when it comes to
crowdsourcing and lawsuits like Otey vs. CrowdFlower?

What are possibilities and tensions that arise with projects aiming for
solidarity among people in global labor systems?

What are the reasons for withholding legislation that would allow for an
enforcement of the Fair Labor Standards Act in the crowdsourcing industry?

Are there new forms of contracts or widened definitions of employment that
would better address today’s work realities?

What policy proposals might be developed and put on the table now?

In addition to traditional conference structures,
with creative presentation formats and novel venues. We welcome applications for
the following formats:

– experimental lectures (e.g., “theory tapas,” pecha kuchas, collaborative
presentations, or formats not using spoken language)
– lectures or panels
– keynote dialogues
– design fiction workshops for those interested in design storytelling and
envisioning alternative futures (3 hours)
– performance lectures in the places where some of this work is taking
place: the living rooms of participants (20 minutes each)

SUBMIT a 300-word abstract or a link to short video, and a one-page
curriculum vitae to digitallabor2014 at by March 21, 2014.
Please state clearly which format you are applying for and do emphasize how
your proposal speaks to the questions above.

Confirmation of participation: March 31, 2014.
If you have any logistical questions, please contact Alexis Rider
digitallabor2014 at

We are planning an open access digital work notebook that documents and
expands the discussion leading up to, during, and after this event.
Contributions will emerge from the iDC mailing list.

Conference editor: Trebor Scholz with (Advisory Board): Lilly Irani, Frank
Pasquale, Sarah T. Roberts, Karen Gregory, Mckenzie Wark, and Winifred
Poster. Producer: Alexis Rider.

Join the discussion:

iDC — mailing list of the Institute for Distributed Creativity (
[email protected]

List Archive:

iDC Photo Stream:

RSS feed:

iDC Chat on Facebook:


Guest post: How digital workers are getting organized

How Digital Workers are Getting Organized: The Freelancers’ Rights Movement

By Joel Dullroy

Digital workers probably don’t call themselves freelancers. Indeed, they presently are unlikely identify with any worker category at all. Whatever name they use to describe their condition – independent worker, contractor, micro entrepreneur – they nevertheless exist in a grey zone in which long-fought-for rights and protections do not apply. The freelancing grey zone has a physical corollary: special economic zones, or free trade zones, those areas where companies operate in a legal no-man’s-land. And like the freelancing workforce, these zones were once exceptional, but have become ubiquitous.

Ascertaining the real size of the freelancing workforce is a difficult task. Few national statistical agencies adequately categorize independent workers. At worst they are not counted at all; at best they are lumped together with other self-employed workers such as storekeepers, who have similar but not identical conditions. We have compared the existing data on freelance workers from the United States and Europe, and present our results in our new e-book, Independents Unite! Inside the Freelancers’ Rights Movement (see page 29-30). The various studies show that between four and 10 per cent of the European workforce is now independent or self-employed. In the United States, studies place the number of freelancers anywhere between 10 and 30 per cent of the workforce. The vast discrepancy is cause for concern, for if this demographic is not properly counted, how can effective policy ever be implemented to meet its concerns?

Indeed properly counting freelancers is one of the simple starting demands of the nascent freelancers’ rights movement, a growing coalition of organizations around the world representing the independent workforce. In the U.S., the foremost proponent of the movement is the Freelancers Union. In European countries organizations such as the PCG in the United Kingdom, the PZO in the Netherlands, Germany’s VGSD and Italy’s ACTA are fighting on behalf of freelancers. These groups have different constituencies, ideologies, approaches and demands, but they are united in their attempt to shape an atomized landscape of disjointed individuals into a cohesive political front with clout. As the size of the freelancing workforce grows, so to does their claim for a voice in politics and society.

The freelancers’ rights movement faces challenges, not the least being to convince freelancers themselves to take part. But if the various organizations can hold together, form a unified voice, create effective campaigning machinery and rally independent workers, they stand a chance of creating a new form of worker organization, one that utilizes the very tools of digital labor to its own advantage.

We provide an overview of the freelancers’ rights movement, its various participating bodies, and a political history of the rise of the freelancing class in our new e-book, which can be downloaded as a PDF or in Kindle format for free from

Joel Dullroy is a journalist and freelance activist in Berlin. He is author of the book Independents Unite! Inside the Freelancers’ Rights Movement.

Viewing and Reading…

Following Dan’s wonderful write-up yesterday, today I’m watching Lisa Nakamura here:

and reading Anne Cong-Huyen’s “Dark Mass,” or the Problems with Creative Cloud Labor:

Panel Review: Identity Work and Identity Play Online

By Dan Greene (@Greene_DM)

Last Sunday, I was lucky to be able to convene a panel with my colleagues Laura Portwood-Stacer (NYU), Lisa Nakamura (University of Michigan), Anne Cong-Huyen (UCLA), and Tara McPherson (USC) at the American Studies Association in D.C. that was intended to act as a retrospective on digital cultural studies and a conversation about its future. The plan was to give quick 10 minute talks on current research, and then have Tara respond to them and moderate the discussion. After everything wrapped up—with a packed room on a Sunday, thanks all!—I confessed to the panel that my thinking in bringing everyone together was basically “These are good, critical people who both stand out in the field and know how it works, they’ll have keen observations on the politics of digital communications and and the politics of studying them—we all get along and something good will come out of that.” But I was delighted to see a more focused debate emerge, alongside a series of questions we felt we needed to keep asking: What counts as work and how far can you get by telling someone that their play is work? What gets described as a feature of the social Web and what gets described as a bug? Why are pervasive atmospheres of racism or sexism written off as ‘trolling’? How do we move beyond tired debates of exploitation versus empowerment? Is it ever worth talking about one ‘internet’?

Karen Gregory was kind enough to offer me (@greene_dm) this platform to share our conversation with a broader audience. Below I’m going to quickly summarize each of our talks and some of McPherson’s responses to them before commenting on some of the themes that emerged from our roundtable discussion. The latter includes both the questions above and interventions specific to the field such as a return to Marxist feminists such as Selma James and Silvia Federici, and a turn, prompted by Nakamura’s talk on race and virality and McPherson’s coinage of the phrase, to a ‘critical platform studies’ that moves us from media archeology’s focus on the thing itself to the social infrastructure that makes the thing work or not work in different political and cultural contexts. Please also take a look at the original abstracts for the panel and our talks, as well as Jack Gieseking’s Storify of the Twitter backchannel. Let’s keep talking.

Access to Self and City: 
Internet Entrepreneurs and the Politics of Presentation and Space 

ASA Write-up Picture 1

I’m involved in long-term fieldwork with different communities in different positions in Washington, D.C.’s booming information economy.  D.C.’s municipal government, like so many other cash-strapped cities, has embraced a version of Richard Florida’s ‘creative class’ policy which pins our economic future on recruiting and maintaining creative class workers—especially the tech entrepreneurs that are the favored sons and daughter of the present moment—through place-making projects that focus on friendly forms of diversity and lifestyle amenities. Working with tech entrepreneurs who design and produce, but also work on and through, various social media platforms, I have been struck by how the production of social media spaces neatly parallels the production of gentrified city spaces through creative class policy. Twitter, Facebook and FourSquare may gentrify our self-presentation in a manner similar to how cities are gentrified by creative class policies, creative workers, and real estate investment designed to capitalize on them.

Tech entrepreneurs often use social media to erase the line between work and play so that every interaction is a potential networking opportunity. Formerly private information is made public in the name of authenticity; though some information, such as political or religious beliefs, is scrubbed in the name of more seamless sharing. This information—where you are, when, with whom—is both a useful interpersonal wedge in business negotiations and the raw material of the data economy. But these social norms end up alienating those who cannot or will not lifestream—including one of my participants who is a new mother. Gentrification of city spaces does not only replace housing stock and push low-income residents out, it is also an uneven process that filters attention to specific high-status areas (i.e., D.C.’s venture capital, condo-building, and restaurant opening booms all overlap in the same 20005 zip code) just as social media creates ‘filter bubbles.’  And just as lifestyle amenities (parks, restaurants, clubs) are the chief place-making recruitment tools of creative class policy, so too are they the chief check-in points for location based social media, and the backgrounds for the most shareable group photos. Why do these overlaps exist? At this early stage, I hazard a guess that both social media and gentrification act as ‘spatial fixes’ for desperate capital: social media outsources value production to previously uncapitalized areas of everyday life and provides a profit-making opportunity via speculation in unprofitable companies; while gentrification of downtown D.C. kicked off during the recession, when other real estate markets were tanking, and already shows signs of a potential speculative bubble not unlike that in social media companies. So it looks like creative class policy, and the cultural and financial hype over creative workers, may actually be a symptom of capitalist crisis (the addict’s search for a ‘fix’) rather than a bulwark against it.

The Work of Social Media Refusal:
Thoughts on Labor, Productivity, and Identity among Facebook Resisters

ASA Write-up Picture 2Laura Portwood-Stacer (@lportwoodstacer) just published a book on lifestyle activism in anarchist communities and continues that vein of research in her current work on the refusal of social media sites like Facebook—asking whether the choice to stop Liking and checking-in can ever constitute a collective politics or whether it’s just the 2010s version of “Oh, I don’t own a TV.” Many of her participants, and the various anti-Facebook manifestoes that have emerged from these protestors, readily identify the alienation and exploitation on which Facebook’s business model is based. They complain of their time being colonized, their every interaction being commodified by a company whose processes and profits are not shared with its billion-strong user workforce, their conversations and emotions being translated into sterile Likes and shares. But what happens next? Facebook refusers often want to quit so that they can focus on real, important, waged work. Or they use the act of quitting as a status symbol; a case of bourgeois refinement framed against the social excesses of Facebook zombies, often framed in feminized terms of too much flirting and baby pics. As McPherson noted, Portwood-Stacer is here less concerned with whether refusal works—whether it functions as a strike that threatens Facebook—and more concerned with what work refusal does for refusers.

Portwood-Stacer thus theorized a question with which we were all concerned in one form or another: What does it mean to strike from the social factory? And is ‘strike’ even the right way to think about the relationship between society and value today? She wants us to think past notions of consent and exploitation—after all, we all consent to our EULAs and most refusers acknowledge exploitation but opt out of it instead of rally against it—and ask what free labor feels like, and what it means to tell users they are laborers. She looks towards the historic wages for housework campaigns as a useful corollary. Getting paid for housework was only ever one goal of those campaigns. The real thrust was to show that value is only ever produced via uneven social relations, that corporate profits would not exist without unwaged labor. This is what Kathi Weeks calls the utopian demand: Not just a request for a policy change, but a call to rally around particular social perspective, the distance between this world and another possible one. In this perspective, social media is just the latest development in capitalism’s exploitation of free labor (we could also think about the control of native traditions or our very genes through intellectual property) and the recognition of that relationship is just as important as any call for better privacy, more consent, or pay for free labor.

Voces Móviles and the Precarity of Work in Online/Offline Spaces

 ASA Write-Up Picture 3Anne Cong-Huyen (@anitaconchita), an important voice in the #transformDH collective, presented a piece of her dissertation research, which focuses on close readings of technological precarity. Here she walked us through the Voces Móviles online storytelling project and work space, which allows migrant day laborers, called ‘reporters’ on the site, in and around Los Angeles to share life histories, working conditions, and photographs. Many are anonymous, some are linked into ongoing narratives, but all work against the sanitized images of Southern California as either sunny paradise or fast-moving media mecca; images which erase the blood and sweat that goes into maintaining those lawns, pools, and offices. Indeed, the creative class lifestyles and consumption-oriented gentrification I reviewed in my presentation would not be possible without the human infrastructure which Voces Móviles makes visible.

In a political climate where day laborers are painted in broad strokes as at best disposable workers and at worst social leeches, Voces Móviles emphasizes the diversity of these communities: their different skills and work environments, different ethnic and national backgrounds, and different struggles with the naturalization process. Indeed this variation emerges in the design of the site, where outsiders struggle to tie the different images, voices, and stories together into coherent narratives. There are thousands of posts, over 660 pages. This work required of the reader reminds them not only of the invisible work of the day laborers but the additional work they take on in order to tell their stories—and forces us to distinguish between different kinds of work and the value placed on each. Again, as with Portwood-Stacer, we see parallels between traditional analyses of social reproduction and newer critiques of free labor online. Voces Móviles also forces us to recognize that the seemingly ephemeral nature of any information economy is always rooted in the material: devices and their construction, service work catering to creatives, but also the time it takes for a body to get off a ladder, take out their phone, snap a picture, and get back to work.

Antiviral Media:
The Market for Primitive Africa in Internet Vigilante Trophy Websites.

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Finally, Lisa Nakamura (@lnakmur) closed the presentations by using the culture of 419eater—a site which documents the various humiliations African internet scammers are subjected to by Western internet users—and other digital pillories to intervene in two debates: media archaeology and the marketing-oriented conversation over ‘spreadable media.’ For Henry Jenkins et al, memes that don’t spread are dead. But Nakamura wants us to remember that memes don’t appear out of thin air, that hate spreads as quickly as laughter and is always culturally bound (e.g., lynching postcards and the Abu Gharib photos could be read as cultural ancestors of the scam baiters), and that some memes deserve to die—we just don’t know how to kill them. So now we have a series of ethical questions: Why share? Why is it better to spread? And what makes something ‘spreadable’ besides technical features that make it easy to send and receive? This is another moment where we’re reminded that what is often labelled as an invasion of the social web—the racism and sexism written off as ‘trolling’—has been there since the beginning; that the colonial relationships re-enacted by the scambaiters are features, not bugs, of global internet cultures. Decolonizing the internet is thus partly about building alternatives to current social spaces. Voces Móviles is one example, but so too Critical Commons, Vojo, and Mukurtu. But this is also a critical project that asks us not necessarily to jump to build another tool but to sit and reflect on how we got where we are.

Similarly, Nakamura critiqued the formalist, Kittlerian media archeology tradition for searching for this or that previously unseen or unknown innovation, the heroic recovery of glitches and roads-not-taken by ‘digital ghostbusters.’ This archaeological urge to excavate and exhibit is a close relative to the abject spectacle of 419eater—where technological backwardness is found, displayed, and made viral—or memes of feminine vulnerability. Here Nakamura is not uncovering some hidden racist agenda in media archaeology or fan studies, but sketching an alternative project that doesn’t separate container from contents and asks after the labor, racialized and otherwise, of spreadable spectacle. This ‘digital archaeology’ would track genealogies of racism and sexism that otherwise seem to just appear from thin air and go viral in different media.

Response and Discussion

I’ve integrated some of McPherson’s (@tmcphers) comments on specific papers into the preceding discussion, but want to sketch out two more themes that emerged from her closing remarks and the discussion that followed.

First, why Marxist feminism in media studies and why now? This was a largely unplanned collective turn that we and our audience found ourselves making together—though it is a turn signaled by work like Weeks’ and a possible renaissance of Marxian political economy across disciplines dominated by poststructuralism in recent decades. Marxist feminism seems better able to cope with the messy materials of everyday technologies than poststructural approaches. Within James, Federici, Dalla Costa and others, we find an intimate understanding of how value is socially produced by marking certain spaces and activities as more or less socially necessary; a keen attention to the collective politics around individual questions of what counts as an act of work, love, or play; and a general attention to the feminization of work and poverty in the current era. They help us ask better questions about who is building our machines and why, whether refusal is consumer democracy or free labor strike, and how the free labor critique can become more politically mobilizing. On that last point, Marxist feminism helps chart a third way between ‘spreadable media’ critiques of social media as empowering (which ignores political-economic relations) and more traditional Marxist critiques of social media as exploitative, alienating labor (which ignores what people actually do online and why they keep doing it).

Second, how do we balance the critique of the platform with that of the social relations in which it is enmeshed? This is an open question. The Californian ideology that dominates our common sense of what information technology is and what it does stresses spreadability but also transparency. But sometimes small is good, growth is dangerous, and the DIY imperfect is more powerful than the smooth and shareable. We can see this with Voces Móviles and similar projects which showcase the messy processes of democratic technologies, but also puncture the fantasy that the commons, technological, intellectual, or otherwise, are every truly open. The free and open commons is, if not a myth, then a “limit case”, for McPherson. And any critical platform studies that we build together must read, analyze, and make with actually existing politics of technological use and abuse in mind, and with an eye to other possible technological worlds—even if they’re only temporary spaces of refusal, privacy, or play.

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